
Tutu and Ocampo join the global campaign on social protection floors

Archbishop Emeritus and Nobel Peace Laureate Desmond Tutu and Professor José Antonio Ocampo, former UN Under-Secretary General of Economic and Social Affairs and Minister of Finance of Colombia, join the global campaign on social protection floors as Special Advisors on Social Protection.


Von Dr. Luise Steinwachs am

The International Labour Organisation ILO informs on its website:

Archbishop Emeritus and Nobel Peace Laureate Desmond Tutu and Professor José Antonio Ocampo, former UN Under-Secretary General of Economic and Social Affairs and Minister of Finance of Colombia, join the global campaign on social protection floors as Special Advisors on Social Protection.

The Social Protection Floor is a global social policy approach to ensure universal access to at least the following guarantees:

Access to essential health care, including maternity care;

Basic income security for children;

Basic income security for persons in active age who are unable to work (eg. persons with disabilities, unemployed);

Basic income security for older persons.

Recognizing the importance of ensuring social protection for all, the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (UNCEB) adopted, in April 2009, the Social Protection Floor initiative, as one of the nine UN joint initiatives to cope with the effects of the economic crisis. This Initiative was reinforced in 2012 when government, employers and workers adopted the Social Protection Floors Recommendation (No. 202) in 2012.

Watch the videos of Desmond Tutu and Jose Antonio Ocampo calling for universal social protection.



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