
25th May is Africa Day, 3 reasons to Celebrate.

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To mark the formation of the African Union (AU), previously known as the Organization of African Unity (PAU), May 25 is Commemorated Annually as African Day. On the 25th of May 1963, leaders of 30 of the 32 independent African states signed a founding charter in Addis Ababa Ethiopia. In 1991, the Organization of African Unity and in 2001,the OAU established the African Union Committee.

I know that there are so many people who may be asking themselves what are Africans Celebrating?.Well,Africa has plenty of reasons to celebrate their continent and we are inviting the rest of the world to Join us in Celebrating our rich Heritage.I have hightlighted 3 reasons why Africans should celebrate Africa day,despite 3 other reasons why you probably think they should not celebrate.

Despite the picture of Africa painted globally depicting poverty and suffering

*Africa Holds 30% of the worlds Minerals and her Markets have become desirable.

Despite conflicts in Somalia ,Democratic Republic of Congo, Mali, Boko Haram In Nigeria, Chad Cameroon and Niger

*According to world bank reports; Sub-Saharan Africa has surpassed all regions in improving business in regulatory environments.

despite that African leaders continue to cling to power

* The potential of African youth is unparalleled. Africa’s young generation’s biggest assets are new ideas and the capability to translate them into meaningful Actions.

Now are these not good reasons to Celebrate? What other basic reasons do you think are important to mention?share with us in the comment box below.Thank you for the positive energy and for beleiving in the potential of our continent.

Happy Africa Day!United we stand as One Blood, One Africa

You can join African communities in Berlin or Hamburg to celebrate the an Amazing Continent.



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