
Growing the Agroecology Movement in Africa

Agroecology is more than a farming method—it’s a movement for food sovereignty, climate resilience, and social justice. At the Sagana Workshop in Kenya, over 60 representatives from 22 African countries came together to strengthen advocacy, policy influence, and collaboration. The goal? To reclaim Africa’s food systems from corporate control and build sustainable, just, and resilient alternatives.

Von Imke-Friederike Tiemann-Middleton am
picture of participants in Sagana, Kenya

Participants in Sagana, Kenya

Insights from the Sagana Workshop

From February 10th to 14th, 2025, a dynamic group of agroecology advocates, small-scale farmers, researchers, and policy influencers gathered in Sagana, Kenya, for a crucial workshop on advancing agroecology and sustainable food systems in Africa. The event, organised by six African networks already promoting agroecology together with Brot für die Welt, brought together over 60 representatives from 22 African countries, each with their own experiences and challenges in transitioning towards food systems rooted in sustainability, sovereignty, and justice. The event aimed to strengthen advocacy, collaboration, and policy influence across the continent.

At the heart of the discussions was a simple yet powerful message: agroecology is more than a farming method—it’s a movement. It is a science, a practice, and a holistic approach to farming that prioritizes biodiversity, soil health, and food sovereignty. Agroecology challenges the industrialized food system, which has for decades prioritized profit over people, degraded ecosystems, and entrenched economic dependency. It’s about nurturing the land, respecting indigenous knowledge, and creating food systems that are sustainable, equitable, and resilient.

But agroecology is also deeply social. It strengthens rural communities, fosters solidarity among farmers, and empowers marginalized groups, including small-scale producers, women, and indigenous peoples. It values collective decision-making, fair labor practices, and food justice, ensuring that those who grow food have dignity, rights, and autonomy. By building local networks and reinforcing traditional knowledge systems, agroecology not only sustains ecosystems but also strengthens the social fabric that underpins just and democratic food systems. Unlike industrial agriculture, which relies heavily on chemical inputs and monocropping, agroecology emphasizes diversity, local markets, and the rights of farmers to produce healthy, culturally appropriate food—while fostering inclusive, community-driven solutions for a more just food system.

Reframing Agroecology in the Context of Power, Policy, and Health

The workshop kicked off with a deep dive into the political and economic landscape shaping food systems today. Participants examined how global power shifts, corporate influence, and economic dependencies continue to threaten local food sovereignty. Experts like Stephen Greenberg (African Centre for Biodiversity), Jane Battersby (University of Cape Town) and Susan Chomba (World Resources Institute) spoke about the intersection of agroecology with climate change, debt dependency, and the visible rise in non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The decline of U.S. hegemony and the rise of multipolarity, with Africa caught in the crosshairs of global power shifts was mentioned as well as the need for African nations to reclaim their sovereignty, particularly in food systems, and to reduce dependency on foreign aid and industrial agriculture. A particular focus was put on agroecology and urbanisation: Urban and peri-urban food systems are integral to global food security, with urban areas accounting for the majority of food consumption. Food insecurity and malnutrition exhibit spatial disparities, with peri-urban populations often facing the highest vulnerability. Implementing agroecology in urban contexts presents both constraints and opportunities, necessitating a strategic equilibrium between localized, small-scale food networks and resistance to industrialized, corporate-driven food systems.

However, a major challenge remains the accessibility and market presence of agroecological products in cities. As traditional farmers’ markets disappear and supermarkets dominate food retail, agroecological producers face increasing barriers to reaching urban consumers. High costs associated with transportation, market stall fees, and supermarket listing requirements further limit their ability to compete within urban food systems. Strengthening alternative distribution channels—such as community-supported agriculture (CSA), cooperative markets, and direct-to-consumer sales—is essential to ensuring that agroecological food remains available, affordable, and viable within urban settings.

A key takeaway? Agroecology isn’t just about farming—it’s about reclaiming power. It’s about recognizing that many African food policies are shaped by corporate interests rather than local needs. And it’s about shifting the narrative from "Can agroecology feed the world?" to "Who is actually feeding the world?" The reality is that smallholder farmers — many practicing agroecology — already feed the majority of the world’s population, while industrial agriculture often serves biofuels, livestock feed, and processed food industries.

The Challenges and Successes of Agroecology in Africa 

Participants shared their experiences from across the continent, revealing both the challenges and successes of promoting agroecology. A county representative from Muranga/ Kenya came to share the history of the development of the agroecology policy in Muranga. The Agroecology Policy (2022) stands as a beacon of hope. Driven by local advocacy and framed as a public health solution, this policy has become a model for other regions- In Senegal, a national policy mandates that 10% of agricultural development funds be directed toward agroecology initiatives. In Uganda, a strong civil society network has pushed for national agroecology strategies, while in Burkina Faso, the government has adopted a national strategy to support agroecological practices. However, the road to agroecology is not without obstacles. Many countries face a lack of political will, limited funding, and the pervasive influence of industrial agriculture. In Egypt, for example, there is no clear national agroecology strategy, and efforts are largely driven by NGOs and local communities. In Nigeria, the movement is growing, but corporate influence and the push for GMOs remain significant challenges.

The case of Kenya shows that framing agroecology as a public health issue helped to push for the policy. The increasing burden of cancer, diabetes, and hypertension — linked to industrial food production — was a powerful argument for policymakers. Additionally, by forming strategic alliances with universities, farmers, and civil society organizations, agroecology advocates secured political backing and ensured the policy was rooted in science and local knowledge.

This case study proved that policy change is possible when advocacy is strategic, inclusive, and well-framed. It also highlighted the importance of leveraging existing political structures rather than working in opposition.

Breaking Silos: Strengthening Collaboration Across Africa

One of the biggest challenges facing agroecology movements is fragmentation. Too often, efforts remain isolated — farmers struggle to access markets, researchers work separately from advocacy groups, and policymakers fail to recognize the movement’s full potential.
To address this, the workshop identified four key priority areas for collective action:

  1. Farmer-to-Farmer Knowledge Sharing: Farmers are the best teachers of agroecology. Strengthening peer networks, organizing exchange visits, and ensuring that agroecology knowledge is co-created and shared will be central to scaling up its adoption.
  2. Seed and Food Fairs: Seeds are the foundation of food sovereignty. The movement will prioritize the protection of indigenous seeds, organizing fairs and exchanges to resist corporate seed control and celebrate local biodiversity.
  3. Documenting Success Stories: More evidence is needed to convince policymakers, donors, and communities that agroecology works. Collecting case studies, publishing farmer testimonies, and using visual storytelling will help shape a stronger narrative.
  4. Unifying Regional Campaigns: Agroecology movements across Africa must speak with one voice, an amplifying message will help counteract the industrial agriculture lobby and push for policy change 

The workshop did not miss to ask critical questions as well: Why are successful agroecology models not spreading faster? How do we ensure that policymakers accept real-life farm experiences as legitimate evidence? What role do consumers play in shaping demand for agroecological products? How can I convince my neighbours?

The discussion around these questions underscored the need for stronger farmer networks, policy advocacy, and consumer awareness campaigns.

The Road Ahead: Building a Movement, Not Just a Strategy

Participants left the workshop with a renewed sense of purpose and urgency, but as well a roadmap for collaboration. The movement around agroecology must become more proactive rather than reactive. Instead of constantly defending agroecology against industrial agriculture’s attacks, it must force industrial agriculture to justify its harms.

To move forward, regional collaboration will be key. Participants committed to strengthening cross-border alliances, deepening exchange, engaging policymakers more effectively, and ensuring that agroecology is seen not just as an agricultural alternative—but as a necessary response to climate, health, and economic crises.

Final Thought: Reclaiming Africa’s Food Future – Why Agroecology Matters

Agroecology isn’t about looking backward—it’s about reclaiming and redefining Africa’s food future. It’s about recognizing that true food sovereignty starts with the people who grow our food — not corporations, not international donors, and not policymakers alone.

The work ahead is challenging, but as this workshop proved, momentum is growing. With stronger networks, strategic advocacy, and a unified voice, the agroecology movement in Africa is well on its way to making sustainable, just, and resilient food systems the norm—not the exception. “We have loosened the soil of our minds, weeded out old assumptions, and cultivated fresh concepts. Now, it is up to us to take what we have learned and spread it.” The seeds of change have been planted—now it’s time to let them grow.

The workshop ended with a press conference where the seven key calls to action were presented:

  1. Governments must prioritize agroecology by developing and funding policies that support smallholder farmers, seed sovereignty, and sustainable food production.
  2. Follow Senegal’s lead: All African governments should allocate at least 10% of their agricultural budgets to agroecology.
  3. Protect farmer-managed seed systems and reject corporate control of seeds.
  4. Integrate agroecology into school curricula and agricultural training programs to empower future generations.
  5. Support participatory research that addresses the unique needs of smallholder farmers.
  6. Advocate for agroecological solutions to climate change to enhance resilience and adaptability.
  7. Celebrate and preserve indigenous agroecological knowledge and practices.

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