Our Fundamental Principles
Brot für die Welt has made compliance assurance a strategic priority. To fulfil our responsibility towards all the marginalised people of the world, we always base our actions on ethical standards. Having a strong compliance culture is essential for Brot für die Welt.
Compliance as a basis for daily work
Our strategic focus on ensuring compliance is firmly anchored in the Diakonischer Governance Kodex (Diaconal Governance Code) and has been expanded to include the establishment of a compliance management system. This preventive approach is a clear manifestation of the importance we attach to the subject of compliance. Compliance is a management task that must be supported and exemplified by the Executive Board and the Management. This is the only way compliance can form the basis of the daily work of all employees. The work of Brot für die Welt will stand and fall with the trust of donors, member organisations, partner organisations and the public. To maintain this trust, it is imperative that daily tasks and challenges are implemented in accordance with the rules. Furthermore, all rules and processes are continuously tested and – if necessary – improved. This is the only way of identifying, mitigating or avoiding risks in time.
Binding Code of Conduct introduced
Internalising values and practising a strong compliance culture are essential. This is why all employees of Brot für die Welt are bound and committed to an appropriate code of conduct.
The Code of Conduct, which was adopted in November 2019, is also intended for our members, partner organisations and business partners. In case there are justified grounds to believe that violations of the Code of Conduct have taken place, these persons or entities have the option to use the whistleblowing system of the Evangelisches Werk für Diakonie und Entwicklung (Protestant Agency for Diakonie and Development), which is also available to EWDE employees as an additional alternative. It goes without saying that the whistleblowing system can also be used anonymously. The Integrity Team and the external Ombudsperson are available as contact persons on the whistleblowing system. You can find more information about the system here.
Submission of reports and complaints
Responsibility in the exercise of power, respect, compliance with the law and internal regulations, accountability and transparency – these are the principles of governance at the EWDE. These principles are concretised in the Code of Conduct and are intended for all managers and staff, all employees with local employment contracts, policy advisors, specialists and volunteers. We expect our partner organisations to always act in accordance with these principles.
Our Ombudsperson
Besides the definition of ethical standards, we endeavour to prevent inappropriate behaviour through an array of different measures. Nevertheless, in case of any infringements, intervention measures such as our case management take effect. Different communication channels aim to facilitate the disclosing of illegal or unethical behavior in an easily accessible manner (low-threshold).
One of these channels, which enables the complainants a special protection, is our ombudsperson. The ombudsperson is a freelance lawyer external to the organization and is independent from Brot für die Welt. The main task of the external ombudsperson is to confidentially handle the information received from complainants and to protect those providing the information as well as those directly concerned. This is guaranteed through the lawyer’s professional obligation to maintain secrecy and his right to refuse to give evidence. In addition, Brot für die Welt has waived its rights to information in order to protect complainants.
If the ombudsperson receives a complaint, he will consult with the notifying party and agree upon further steps to be taken. Information will only be disclosed to the so-called Integrity Team, which, if desired, investigates the case, with the explicit consent of the informant, and anonymously, if that is desired. The ombudsperson regularly informs notifying parties about the status of the ongoing proceedings.
Dealing with artificial intelligence (AI)
AI tools can help us make our work more effective and efficient. At the same time, we do not want to neglect our values, ethical principles and operational safety. For this purpose, the EWDE has developed a guideline document that supports employees in using AI in a responsible, safe and ethical way. The guidelines shall be regularly reviewed and, if necessary, adapted to the latest developments and findings in the field of artificial intelligence.