Quality is important to us
As a Protestant agency in development cooperation, we seek to improve constantly our internal processes in order to achieve our objectives. For our comprehensive quality management, we received the international awards "Committed to Excellence" and "Committed to Sustainability" in August 2020.
Linking purpose, vision and strategy
To drive improvement we implement the internationally established quality management system EFQM, developed by the European Foundation for Quality Management, to design, review and improve our work processes. The basic principle of the model is to link purpose, vision and strategy of the organisation. This includes the constant analysis of our interest groups, organisational culture and leadership as well as the creation of sustainable benefits.
Improving constantly
For us, continuous improvement means the recognition of internal and external changes to adjust our way of work in the short and long term. The EFQM approach supports us in implementing our attitudes and values, which we convey through our project and educational work. This way Brot für die Welt (Bread for the World) ensures high organisational quality and analyses the issues and trends that influence our organisation today.
Making the quality of services transparent
Internal and external audits enable us to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the quality of our services, to strengthen our transparency towards our stakeholders and our partners in the global South and gives evidence to our reliability.