Leadership for Change in the Global South
We support the academic education of future leaders in the Global South who are already active in social and developmental work at a regional and international level. Support is provided through projects implemented by our partner organisations.
Leadership scholarship programme
With our Leadership for Change! (Global South) programme, we support young, socially committed leaders from civil society in the Global South.
In the course of a postgraduate degree programme (e.g. master’s, doctorate), the scholarship holders will not only acquire academic qualifications, but will also receive further training in development-related topics as part of a study accompanying programme. They will network both nationally and internationally, exchange ideas and become stronger and more confident leaders. The scholarship holders will continue their civic engagement during their studies and, in their role as change agents, will initiate campaigns and lobbying activities to draw attention to social injustices. In doing so, they will help to bring about social and political change in their home countries.
This approach serves to develop a global network of experts who are committed to the goals of Brot für die Welt and will work together towards a more just world. As influential leaders in key positions, our scholarship holders help to strengthen civil society and the development work of NGOs and churches in the Global South.
The Leadership for Change! (Global South) programme is aimed at young, socially committed leaders in the Global South who already have some professional experience.
The candidates will have already been active in social or developmental work before applying for a scholarship. Scholarship holders are selected by our partner organisations according to defined criteria. The degree programme can be completed in the recipient’s home country or region.