Dangers in the digital space often remain abstract and not very tangible - until suddenly an untrustworthy e-mail appears or border controls snatch the smartphone and gain access to most personal information. Immediately, we are spiraling: What contacts will the officials find? Did I really make sure to delete the chat with home addresses and financial information?
Digital security is often ignored or victim of rationalization - until it is too late. The participants of this training arm themselves against cyber-attacks with basic knowledge about digital security, learn about self-protection and develop a realistic, individual catalog of measures together with the trainers in order to protect themselves, their teams and contacts. The focus is on account security, anonymity, encryption, and travel security. Previous technical knowledge is not necessary, but basic media and internet skills are assumed. It makes sense to attend the training if the location, the local infrastructure or at least the project are known.
…in Short
- Theoretical and practical introduction to background and basic knowledge about digital security
- Development of an individual "Threat Model" including recommendations for actions
- Learning and implementing various defensive measures based on the security concept
Target audience
- Professionals from Dienste in Übersee in preparation for work in partner organizations of Brot für die Welt (or shortly after leaving the country)
- Professionals from other services and mission work
- Employees of church aid organizations
Timetable and venue
BL 04, 05.11. ‒ 19.11.2025 (via Zoom)
The total time required is approximately 30 hours. Three synchronous online units take place during the training:
- Wednesday, November 5th, 2025, from 3-5 PM
- Wednesday, November 12th, 2025, from 3-5 PM
- Wednesday, November 19th, 2025, from 3-5 PM
Optional: questions and answers session, November 17th, at 3 PM.
This training takes place exclusively in English, no simultaneous interpretation is possible.
Participation fee
560 € per person. Discounts are possible on request. Participation is free of charge for professionals accepted by Dienste in Übersee in the selection interview.
until Friday, October 3rd, 2025.
Tel.: +49 30 65211-1349
E-Mail: seminaranmeldung@due.org
Online Registration: http://info.due.org/fachkraefte
Registration form via the web-based tool guestoo: https://ewde.guestoo.de/public/event/94ee66b1-5645-4f1c-bc13-3dcbce19bda4
Our general terms and conditions apply.
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