
Online discussion "Lithium mining in Serbia, Argentina and Chile - Between current geopolitics and local challenges"

08.10.2024, 18:30 Uhr - 20:00 Uhr

As part of the 5th Alternative Raw Materials Week, Brot für die Welt and the Heinrich Böll Foundation are hosting an online discussion on "Lithium mining in Serbia, Argentina and Chile - The tensions between current geopolitics and local challenges" on October 8 at 6:30 pm (CET). We want to discuss the following questions:

  • Which impact does the global competition for lithium have on the mining countries Chile, Argentina and Serbia? Which opportunities, such as the development of local value creation, are being realised and which strategies are being developed for this purpose?
  • To what extent differ the demands, reactions and repressions from country to country?
  • Which strategy is the EU pursuing with regard to the global run on raw materials and how could Europe become less dependent on lithium as a raw material?
  • What role do and could the project financiers play here?

We will be discussing these and further aspects with:

  • Madjouline Sbai, MEP, Greens/EFA
  • Pia Marchegiani, Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, FARN (Argentina)
  • Telye Yurisch Toledo, Fundación Terram, (Chile)
  • Aleksandar Matković (Serbia)

Moderation: Johanna Sydow, Head of the division of International Environmental Policy, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Berlin

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