Professionals and partner organizations on the ground strive for cooperation in partnership in order to achieve shared development goals. However, this cooperation occurs in a post-/ colonial context of historically grown and persisting socio-economic inequalities and injustices. Therefore, using a critique of power to examine our own scopes of action is a prerequisite for co-operating in solidarity towards a sustainable world community.
In this training, we will look at theoretical foundations of and practical experience with power sharing. We invite you to reflect on your own role in the global context and the privileges that go along with it. Together we want to develop ideas and approaches for how we can use our respective power of action and change for greater global equality of opportunities.
…in Short
- Learning about theoretical foundations of and practical experience with power sharing
- Reflecting on your own power, position and privileges
- Developing practical ideas for how to make power-sensitive use of scopes of action in the respective work context
Target groups
- Professionals of Dienste in Übersee, in preparation for the work in partner organisations of Brot für die Welt
- Professionals of other services and missionary agencies in preparation
- Employees of church-related aid agencies
Date and venue
SE 05, 17.10. ‒ 19.10.2025 (via Zoom)
The training starts at 2.30 PM on the first training day and ends at 6.30 PM on the last training day.
Participation fee
420 € per person. Discounts are possible on request. Participation is free of charge for professionals accepted by Dienste in Übersee in the selection interview.
until Wednesday, September 17th, 2025.
Tel.: +49 30 65211-1349
Online Registration:
Registration form via the web-based tool guestoo:
Our general terms and conditions apply.
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